Work Grabcut The Grabcut Algorithm for image segmentation. Viola Jones The Viola Jones algorithm for face detection. Seam Carving The seam carving algorithm for content-aware image resizing. Reflection Removal Implementation of the CVPR 2015 paper reflection removal. Style Transfer between Images Implementation of the ICCV 2019 paper on style transfer. Covid-19 Detection A modified VGG16 model to detect COVID-19 XRays. Robotic Path Planning Algorithms Implemented the RRT, MPC and VO path planning algorithms. 3D reconstruction from stereo images Given stereo images, 3D reconstruct the scene using generated disparity maps. Pose Graph Optimization for 2D SLAM Correcting a noisy trajectory using odometry information and RGBD sensors. C Shell Implemented a Linux bash shell, a command line interpreter from scratch in C. Multi-threaded Web Server Implemented a multi-threaded web server in C. Compiler A nanopass compiler for (a subset of) Racket -> x86-64, implemented in Racket. Smart Streetlights Automated streetlights using LoRa Communication. 32-bit MIPS Processor Implemented a 2-stage 32-bit MIPS processor which supports the MIPS ISA operating at 1.2 GHz. Stair Climbing Robot Simulated an autonomous stair climbing robot from scratch.